Welcome to our schools. I am very proud to be the Executive Headteacher across the federation of St Edmund’s, St Edmund’s Preschool and St Joseph’s.
Our schools provide high quality education to approximately 600 children aged 3 to 11 years across the three settings. Our mission statement ‘Learning Together in God’s love by encouraging and supporting one another’ reflects the culture of care that allows every child to flourish academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Whilst our partnership brings great advantages as we share expertise and resources, each school is unique so please visit their separate pages to find out more about each one.
– Mrs Maria Kemble, Executive Headteacher
Take a look at this week's newsletter. Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend. https://t.co/WgWwYzX8YZ
It's #YoungCarersActionDay - a time to raise awareness of young carers! Talking to young people about their responsibilities and creating support networks can help give the space they need to learn, relax and play. Find advice and support here https://t.co/WoZPO0dhSH https://t.co/ymG7ogeZmc
Here comes a few more. See if you can guess these ones. https://t.co/lykJ0XiXOH
What a fabulous array of creativity we saw today when the children came in to school armed with their homemade fruit and veg book characters creations. See if you can guess each of these character? #worldbookday2025 https://t.co/3w5g0vHLuG
What a fabulous array of creativity we saw today when the children came in to school armed with their homemade fruit and veg book characters creations. See if you can guess each of these character? #worldbookday2025 https://t.co/3w5g0vHLuG
We've had a great time today sharing stories with children in different classes. It's great to make new friends and get to know different people through the sharing of a good day. #worldbookday2025 https://t.co/irMZViTgxP
'Twas the night before World Book Day, and all through the home, The £1/€1.50 books were waiting, inviting minds to roam A day filled with reading for fun across the UK! So grab your favourite book and get ready to #ReadYourWay. For tomorrow, we celebrate reading and… https://t.co/RoBtSTM5X0 https://t.co/3NUHcVUkxL
On Shrove Tuesday, before entering the season of Lent, a time of prayer, sacrifice, fasting and almsgiving, the children in Yr2 thoroughly enjoyed cooking pancakes on the campfire at Forest School. Of course there was plenty of sampling of them too. https://t.co/u9vNXzUHiw
All aboard the most recent OPAL play creation...the St Edmunds mini bus! @OPAL_CIC https://t.co/TExarxM2Uw
Take a look at this week's newsletter. Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend. https://t.co/ztQ5QFGPXN
Yr5 have been thinking about adaptation and camouflage. They then created some camouflaged butterflies to see how well they can blend into their habits just like the peppered moth. Can you spot where they are in each of these images? https://t.co/HVa4bRjaAW
Great news, the Federation Of St Edmund's And St Joseph's has been paid! Thank you to everyone who supports us through @easyuk! Why not get involved? Watch your online shopping turn into free donations for our school! Sign up now: https://t.co/NWM5TDbcpu
Today marks Safer Internet Day and we dedicated our key stage assemblies today to discussing the importance of keeping ourselves and others safe online. #SaferInternetDay https://t.co/zAtUaCXdZS
Take a look at this week's newsletter. Wishing you all a lovely weekend. https://t.co/vz7rgoYyiL
Plants! Thank you to the Underwood family for nominating our school to receive five houseplants and Chantel Dawson of Grow for Schools for providing them. These plants will really enhance our environment. https://t.co/a6wqIO0GL3 https://t.co/S4lC5SI8w2
We are so proud of our KS2 team for their excellent results which put us in the top 5% of Suffolk schools. The Yr 6 and the Mini Vinnie’s sang at the seniors lunch. We had a visit from James Cartlidge MP to present a prize for a winning Christmas card. @jcartlidgemp @RCEastAnglia https://t.co/TXF5g46UZt
Our KS2 choir enjoyed providing some festive cheer for the residents who live next door when they went to sing a selection of carols last week. It was lovely that some the residents joined in singing too https://t.co/u2x9FJ45CN
We are so proud of our KS2 team for their excellent results which put us in the top 5% of Suffolk schools. The Yr 6 and the Mini Vinnie’s sang at the seniors lunch. We had a visit from James Cartlidge MP to present a prize for a winning Christmas card. @jcartlidgemp @RCEastAnglia https://t.co/TXF5g46UZt
Mass, reconciliation, Christmas dinner and a rock show all in one day! https://t.co/yVCSn5JhGD
We had an amazing relaunch of our Christmas Fair, on Friday 6th December, the first one since Covid! The hall was buzzing! Thank you to everyone who contributed, helped and came along. @SuffolkPolice @TownOfSudbury @EADT24 https://t.co/A1vAyqp3hU
The year six children attended Father Brett’s last parish Holy Mass this morning. He reminded the children to always be kind and thoughtful to others and follow Jesus’ teachings. We will all miss him but wish him a happy and healthy retirement. @RCEastAnglia https://t.co/EzhOqRfWKK
Sudbury Town Council poster competition. We welcomed Jax and Mel who were representing the town council to distribute the prizes. Well done to Billie who came 4th and Aika who came 2nd. There were 425 entries so our children did incredibly well to be placed. @TownOfSudbury https://t.co/dNOswlsxkY
Mini Vinnie’s regional director for our diocese, Barbara Quail visited school this morning to present certificates and treats to the Year 6 leavers. She was so interested to find out all the ways we have turned concern into actions! @MiniVinniesEW @SVPEnglandWales @RCEastAnglia https://t.co/5p0jfUVmaT
The Essex police dog section came into school to teach the children about their job. We had demonstrations using two dogs Luther who chases criminals and Sheila who finds items. Thank you to PC Ben Savory and PC Andy. The children and adults were transfixed! @EPDogs https://t.co/CPFSTkfrrZ
The whole school were treated to a violin concert on Friday morning. We have been listening to Yr 4s all year and noticing how much they were improving. Thank you to Miss Hamilton, all the children & Mrs Bishton @SuffolkMusicHub https://t.co/Ducgt7WE8T
Talent Show! Standing room only for the return of St. Joe’s got talent. We were treated an old fashioned variety show. The judges were PC Moore, Alison Owen, Mayor of Sudbury and Maureen Barsby parishioner and SVP. @TownOfSudbury @SuffolkPolice @SVPEnglandWales @MiniVinniesEW https://t.co/fj5xmbooOy
Talent show rehearsal and Rock musicians. This afternoon the whole school were treated to a variety show and then a rock musician who taught them a rock song in 5 minutes! So proud of all our talented and confident children! https://t.co/OCEcSPMWEF
Last Holy Mass of the year. The whole school and parish came together for Father Brett’s last school Mass due to his retirement, and the Yr6 before they leave. There were prayer cards for the children and cards and gifts for Father Brett. We will all miss him! @RCEastAnglia https://t.co/k3F6i5Py1h
Dear Parents, School will re-open to key worker and vulnerable pupils only on Tuesday 5th January 2021. For full details please see the letter from the Headteacher and Governing body on the website: https://t.co/1bpqp4PS4l
We're back in pre-school after a lovely summer at home, playing with our friends and family. Today we're exploring the small world 'zoo'. This helps us to develop language skills and express our imagination. https://t.co/e5InLqxQva
Look at our stories about 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We like to write picture stories to read to each other at circle time. https://t.co/jZF4XnNrZG
What a busy time we've been having in Pre-school. Our caterpillars have hatched and the children released them to 'collect nectar from the flowers' (MC). We also went to the theatre to see The Very Hungry Caterpillar - what fun! https://t.co/IjjeUQinXb
The wonderful adventure wonderland. What fun! https://t.co/cJ4GTxXHTH
From frogs to dinosaurs...what a busy week. The children love the swamp theme and enjoy the smell of the herbs in the swamp. https://t.co/paEgUu34uv
We've been playing in our tuff spot with Chia seeds and thinking about the frog pond in the school vegetable garden. We love the way the slimy chia seeds feel like frog spawn. https://t.co/ULZ13tHtSX
We love learning about life cycles and growing. We're busy watching worms and caterpillars at the moment. Our beans are growing in the garden and we're looking at the frogs in the school garden. Such a lot of growing going on in pre-school this term. https://t.co/VEt7bwPZm3
More Happy Little Walkers! We love walking to school - it helps us to get strong muscles and keep active. Join us by walking, scooting or cycling to pre-school tomorrow. https://t.co/DIxkjFP95G
It's walk to school week this week. We're having great fun, joining in with the Little Feet campaign, encouraging our little ones to walk, scoot or cycle to school - no buggies for us this week! Get your sticker tomorrow for walking to school! https://t.co/hvMf37galA
It's world book week....what a busy week we've got planned: we've made gingerbread men and gingerbread houses with boxes this week so far and it's only Tuesday. More to follow!! https://t.co/0F3u9Urtn9
Another busy day as we head on fast towards half-term break. It was beautiful in the Meadow Classroom today, and everyone enjoyed making necklaces at Forest School. Using the palm drill with Peter was great fun! https://t.co/o4qLwYOJMO
We like to learn new skills. We can make our own snack and wash up the dishes when we've finished. We use real cups and real plates and are very grown up! https://t.co/zWVjVRN71e
Forest School today. It might be cold and wet, but we still love being outside, climbing trees and developing our muscles as we learn to take risks and manage our safety with the help of our teachers. https://t.co/LRXfcYKAa7
We've been having a busy old time here in pre-school. Thinking about the artist Kandinsky, and making wonderful circle pictures with buttons in Explorers Corner. https://t.co/x1dfxDlGDR
We are so pleased to be part of the school family at St Edmund's. Your response to our needs is such an amazing example to set children - they truly are "Learning together in God's Love"
Parent - St Edmund's
I am so impressed with the way the children are conducting themselves, they are so focussed and want to achieve. Their class teacher has given them so much self-belief.
Parent - St Joseph's
Thank you so much for all of the help, care and support for Penelope over the past year. She can’t wait to go to ‘big school’ and you have done an excellent job in preparing her for the next step in her learning.
Parent - Pre-School