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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

The Federation of
St Edmund's & St Joseph'sCatholic Primary Schools

Week 4

Welcome Year 5 to Week 4,

First of all, a huge pat on the back to all those who have been working so hard completing activities and emailing them to us.

Well done to 5P for winning last week's TTRS Battle of the Bands - it was very close and the lead was changing throughout Friday. Well done to the 22 children from Year 5 who took part in the tournament. Another Battle of the Bands will commence on Monday and you will have until 5pm on Friday to do your bit.

Most of the activities are outlined on the weekly Home Learning overview below.

Please remember to complete the usual Mathletics, TTRS and Accelerated Reader tasks - as well as your daily reading.

Being the Easter Holidays, there are fewer activities than normal, as the resources we normally use are taking a well-deserved Easter break.

We hope that you are all enjoying time with your family and the weather. 

We are all thinking of you, praying for you and your families and are so encouraged by the work and news you have sent us.

Keep going with the hard work.


Year 5 Team