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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Sports Premium

At St Edmund’s and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools Physical Education plays an important role in motivating children to Learn together in God’s love. We are committed to providing a wide reaching, high quality educational experience for our pupils. We take great pride in our pupil’s achievements and promote participation in physical activity. We are working hard to provide high quality lessons and extra-curricular activities that will inspire and encourage children to develop a passion for sports and staying fit and healthy.


A wide range of PE is delivered, which aims to engage and inspire all pupils. Lessons are taught by our class teachers, Partnership Sports Coach, as well as external providers and professionals for our extra-curricular activities.

We aim to utilise the land we are fortunate enough to have at St Edmund’s, with a separate sports field specifically marked for seasonal sports. As well as an excellent sports field we also own and have access to an area of natural grassland and water meadows. This area of natural beauty is used for our Forest School outdoor learning programme, which is delivered by our highly skilled and qualified Forest School staff. In addition to this we have a covered outdoor learning area and decked platform for pond dipping and other observational and outdoor learning. Pupils from both schools make use of these facilities.

Our extra-curricular programme is extensive at both schools and includes lunchtime and after school clubs and inter school competitions. The majority of our after school clubs are run by our committed teaching staff and are delivered with high levels of enthusiasm and knowledge. At St Edmunds our current programme includes KS1 and KS2 football, netball, basketball and rounders. We also enter a variety of competitions with our school teams. This year the KS2 tag rugby team at St Edmund's finished 1st in the Bury Sport Partnership tag rugby tournament and the KS2 netball team have qualified for the county finals in June. At St Joseph's the basketball team won the pyramid basketball tournament and also both the pyramid and district indoor athletics tournaments.

The PE and School Sport Premium is used to build upon our successes and help us to develop even better access to high quality PE, and foster a lifelong love of sport and embed knowledge about the benefits of sustained physical activity. This has enabled both schools to apply for the Sainsburys Sports Mark. St Joseph's has achieved Gold in 2015 and St Edmund's achieved Bronze in 2015. It enables pupils to meet for tournaments, on both sites, and to participate in inter-school competitions.

We are committed to high quality continual professional development for all our staff, not just teachers. As this competency is developed we will be able to secure a sustainable change and improvement to benefit our children and their families.