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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

The Federation of
St Edmund's & St Joseph'sCatholic Primary Schools

Week 6

Hello Moses children and families, 


We are at the start of week 6! The weather last week was so amazing. Thank you for the lovely photos you sent through to Twitter of your learning outside and for the work you sent into home learning. It was lovely to read and see these and reply. 

Well done to everyone who has been practising counting in 2/5/10 and has made a start on learning their times tables with Times Table Rock Stars  last week. Its has been really good to look at home and see how well the children have been doing. 

Have a look at this weeks Home learning intentions with a range of activities to try.

The resources for these are also attached below. 

As always , take care and stay safe

Best wishes 

Mrs Ponsford.