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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School


Our Mission Statement ‘We learn together in God's love by encouraging and supporting one another’ was chosen by the children to reflect the journey each individual makes as they grow spiritually and academically during their career at St Edmunds. The curriculum is designed to reflect our philosophy that every child is a unique gift from God with their own talents, interests and needs. 

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum which is planned and delivered in accordance with the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 for years 1 to 6 and the Foundation Stage Curriculum for Early Years. Please see our  SEND Policy and Equalities Policy to see how our curriculum is made accessible to all children.

At St Edmund’s we believe learning is as much about attitudes as knowledge and skills. We explicitly teach the children about the characteristics of successful learning as part of the curriculum. This helps the children develop as ambitious, independent learners who are able to take responsibility for their learning and communicate their knowledge and ideas confidently and articulately to peers and adults alike. More information about our learning characteristics can be found here.

An investigative approach is used to organise the subject specific content the children will be taught, with year groups working closely together to provide a consistent, motivating experience for all. An overview of the curriculum which is delivered in each year group is available below. More information is provided for parents on a weekly basis through the Learning Intentions which are sent home each Friday and can also be seen in the Learning Intention section of the website.

We make use of the school's extensive grounds to offer a Forest School programme for children in Early Years, Year 1 and 2. They spend half a day each week in the purpose built, dedicated outdoor learning area with a qualified Forest School teacher. Other year groups have the opportunity to use the outdoor learning area during the annual Forest School Enrichment week. More information about the most recent residentials can be found here.

We are proud of the tradition of academic success enjoyed by the children of St Edmund’s. The teaching of reading, writing and maths are at the heart of our curriculum. Children will experience aspects of these subjects every day.

However we also recognise the importance of other areas of learning. As a Catholic school the practice of, and learning about, our faith is part of our daily life. While we emphasise the Christian tradition in all aspects of school life, we encourage and respect an appreciation of other faiths and cultures. Every member of our community is valued as an equal member of God’s family. Through the curriculum, the children are given the knowledge and understanding to live in our multicultural society. In key stage 2 children are taught RE by the subject leader each week. Every child has the opportunity to learn to play the violin as part of the curriculum in year 3 taught by a specialist teacher. French is taught by a specialist teacher in key stage 2. There are many extra-curricular activities provided during lunchtimes and after school which enhance children’s learning. We also take the children on residential activities in key stage 2. More information about the most recent residentials can be found here.

If you have any further questions concerning the curriculum, please direct these to the school office: 

Curriculum Overviews

Early Years Curriculum Overview
Keystage 1 and 2 Curriculum Overview