Week 6
Dear Samson Class,
I hope you and your family have been able to enjoy the sunshine we have continued to have this week.
Please find below some activities that you may want to look at with your child and encourage them to take part in during the week - if you look at week 6 and download the Home Learning Intentions attachment you can see the suggested order of the tasks.
Mathletics and Spelling Shed
Activities have been set for the week - please continue to encourage your children to do these.
Accelerated Reader
This is able to be accessed using the following link: https://ukhosted100.renlearn.co.uk/2248266
Continuing on Monday BBC Bitesize are offering a range of subjects, which your son or daughter may be interested in, to access it please use the following link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zncsscw/year-6-lessons/1
We will be using white rose maths activities over the coming weeks, please use the following link https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ to view a short teaching video (normally around 7 minutes the children will then have the opportunity to complete the corresponding independent activity.
It has been great seeing the photos of the home learning, as well as other activities which the children have been doing which have been sent to the home learning email, I look forward to seeing more this week.
Take care and have a great week,
Mr Leighton-Scott